In a small town nestled between rolling hills, where tradition and modernity often clash, lives a young girl named Ayah El-Sayed. From a tender age, Amina has been curious, always questioning the world around her. Her life, shaped by the steadfast beliefs of her parents and the expectations of her community. As ayah grows, so do the doubts within her a growing seed that challenges the boundaries of faith, identity, and the desire to be true to herself.
This story traces Ayah's profound journey of self-discovery, from the innocent questions of her childhood to the intense struggles of her young adulthood. Through her trials, Ayah learns the delicate balance between tradition and individuality, guided by her spiritual connection and the strength she finds in the Qur'an and Hadith. In her writing, Ayah discovers a world where she can express her deepest fears and hopes. Her journey is one of resilience, self-discovery, and the courage to crave a path that is truly her own.
Barakah Amal had escaped Nigeria shortly after the misfortune of encountering Jalal Jali as a teenager. Years since past and unbeknownst to her, she's reluctantly summoned back to wed the man who had ruined her life to protect her family.
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