In the Kingdom of Anan, young Prince Ike's insatiable curiosity leads him deep into the enchanted forest, far beyond the safety of his palace. Amidst the whispering trees, he stumbles upon a strange and ancient broom-a discovery that sets him on a path he never imagined.
As Ike brings the mysterious broom back to the palace, he soon realizes it holds unimaginable power-a power that begins to awaken in terrifying ways. With each passing day, the broom's magic grows stronger, and Ike's once harmless curiosity turns to fear. As he struggles to keep his discovery a secret, the broom seems to have plans of its own, pulling Ike deeper into a world of magic and danger.
But what is the broom's true purpose? And can Ike control the power he's unleashed before it consumes him-and his kingdom?
Join Prince Ike on a thrilling adventure where secrets are buried deep, magic is alive, and every choice could change his life forever.