In the quiet shadows of a small-town mortuary, Margaret and her enigmatic husband Edwin live a life surrounded by death, offering solace to grieving families and preparing the dead for their final rest. But beneath the surface of their seemingly ordinary existence, lies a dark and dangerous secret.
For centuries, Edwin has extended his life through the use of mysterious hourglasses-each containing the stolen time of those who have passed. As long as the sands keep falling, so too does Edwin's unnatural youth. But his immortality comes at a cost, one that Margaret is unaware of... for now.
As Margaret begins to notice strange occurrences in the mortuary-footsteps in the night, missing bodies, and a new arrival who refuses to stay dead-she starts to unravel the truth about her husband's agelessness and the sinister hourglasses hidden in their home. The deeper she digs, the more she is drawn into a world where time can be bought and sold, where life and death are no longer absolutes, and where the price of eternal life is far steeper than she ever imagined.
Now, Margaret must confront a devastating choice: whether to stand by her husband and partake in his unnatural existence, or shatter the hourglass that has bound him to this world and face the consequences of undoing time itself.
Borrowed Time is a haunting tale of love, immortality, and the moral boundaries between life and death. As the clock ticks down, Margaret must decide what it means to truly live-and whether time is something to be treasured, stolen, or sacrificed.
In Auburndale, home of the Spitfires, chaos strikes when an immortal soul dies, causing panic among the red demons. The powerful Onyx of life, stolen years ago by a young boy named Blaze Macho, holds the key to their survival.
Gingerbella, a brave Spitfire, goes undercover in Netherholt, the human world, to find Blaze and recover the Onyx. Her mission becomes more urgent as Dr. Will Spencer, a dangerous scientist and founder of Lasix Labs, aims to wipe out the Spitfires forever.
As she navigates the human world, Gingerbella must overcome challenges, outsmart Dr. Spencer, and find the Onyx before it's too late. In a world where life can fade like a wilting flower, she must succeed or watch her world perish.