In a world where heroes are often larger than life, Peter Parker finds himself interning at Stark Industries, navigating the challenges of academia and the complex relationships within the Avengers. Initially unknown to Tony Stark, Peter impresses with his skills, earning not just a mentor but a father figure in Tony. As their bond deepens, Peter and Bucky Barnes-formerly known as the Winter Soldier-develop a secret romance, hidden from their teammates.
As their relationship flourishes, the two men juggle the thrill of love with the pressures of secrecy. Bucky's protective nature over Peter becomes increasingly evident, causing the rest of the Avengers to speculate about the dynamics between them. Despite their attempts to keep their romance under wraps, hints of their relationship begin to surface, leading to a series of humorous and heartwarming misunderstandings.
When Tony Stark's instincts kick in, he becomes fiercely protective of Peter, viewing him as a son. As the team slowly begins to piece together the truth, Bucky and Peter must navigate the complexities of their relationship while managing the concerns of their teammates. With tension, loyalty, and love at play, will they find the courage to embrace their feelings openly, or will the secrets in the shadows threaten to unravel everything they've built?
Join Peter and Bucky on their journey through romance, friendship, and the tight-knit bond of the Avengers, where love and loyalty are put to the ultimate test.
S.Rogers x B.Barnes x f!Stark!Reader
After the events of the horrific past, y/n Stark, Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes have finally admitted their feelings for each other. But is life as an avenger whilst dating two super soldiers any easier than anything y/n's experienced in the past?
(Follows the timeline of AOU and CW)