28 parts Ongoing MatureThis story follows the journey of Kendal Katz, a 21-year-old girl from Jamaica, whose life takes an unexpected turn when her father sends her to Chicago as a birthday gift, for a period of two months. Little does she know that these two months will prove to be a profound turning point in her life.
In the sprawling metropolis of Chicago, there exists a figure known as Myles Bonnano, a name that sends shivers down the spines of people both locally and worldwide. He is the undisputed Mafia Don of Chicago, commanding the most formidable and notorious criminal organization in existence. Most would describe Myles as a man devoid of warmth, a heart encased in ice, and a personification of evil. And, indeed, he had been all those things... until he laid eyes on her.
For Myles Bonnano, it was a moment of pure serendipity when their paths crossed. Love, unexpected and undeniable, bloomed within him from the very first glance. He knew the dangers of his world and the risks it posed to Kendal, and so he resolved to stay away from her to ensure her safety. But it seemed that fate had different plans, orchestrating their meetings time and again, as if destiny itself conspired to bind their lives together.