و رغم كل هذا لم يحبني Despite all this, he did not love me
46 parts Ongoing لقد كنتِ دائماً بجانبي كنتِ ملجأي الوحيد وقت وحدتي..
لقد كتبت بكِ أشياء و أنا أعلم أنكي سري..
كتبت بكِ أشياء من أعماق قلبي..
اتمنى أن تظلي ملجأي وقت وحدتي و لا تتركيني..
مثلما تركني الآخرين..
أنني أثق بك يا كلماتي .
You were always by my side, you were my only refuge when I was lonely. I wrote things about you and I know that you are a secret. I wrote you things from the bottom of my heart. I hope that you will remain my refuge in times of loneliness and not leave me. Just as others left me. I trust you, my words.