Hayley is best friends with YouTube singers Johnny Orlando and Hayden Summerall. One day, the two boys discover that Hayley has an amazing voice, and they ask her to be in a music video of theirs. A week after, when school is over, it's time for Johnny and Hayden to go on tour with a few of their best friends, a few of which happen to be YouTube Singers as well. Hayley is asked to go along on tour with Carson Lueders, MattyB, Jordyn Jones, Dylan Summerall, Lauren Orlando, and her two best friends, Johnny and Hayden. This results with Carson and Hayley becoming a lot closer, and developing feelings for each other. Oh, and being 13 year olds doesn't mean they can't control a relationship. After all, they are more confident than they may seem.
JO: Johnny Orlando (JohnnyOSings)
MB: Matthew Morris / MattyB (MattyBRaps)
JJ: Jordyn Jones
HS: Hayden Summerall
DS: Dylan Summerall (Hayden's Brother)
LO: Lauren Orlando (Johnny's Sister)
When an archeology student accidently gets added in a groupchat full of f1 drivers.
When Charles Leclerc falls for the stranger in the groupchat
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