In a poignant tale of love and loss, Iwaizumi Hajime and Oikawa Tooru navigate the complexities of their once inseparable bond, torn apart by misunderstandings and a painful dare. As Oikawa pursues his dream of becoming a renowned musician, Iwaizumi struggles with unacknowledged feelings and the weight of his new life-a marriage built on obligation. Years later, when Oikawa returns to Japan, he seeks to rekindle their connection, but Iwaizumi's sense of duty complicates their reunion. As memories resurface and truths are revealed, both must confront their past choices, leading to a heartbreaking crossroads that will change their lives forever. This story explores the enduring power of love and the consequences of unspoken words, reminding us that sometimes, love means knowing when to hold on-and when to let go. this was supposed to be a short fic but i got carried away, but im proud of it. enjoy reading:)