This story traces a poignant journey of loss, resilience, and profound human connections. It begins with Erica, a gifted young woman with a photographic memory, embarking on an adventurous trip to an oriental country with her friend Nathan. However, their journey takes a tragic turn when a devastating earthquake strikes, leading to Nathan's heroic death as he sacrifices himself to save a child.
Erica survives but is left deeply traumatized, unable to speak and haunted by vivid memories of the disaster. Victoria, her steadfast guardian, plays a crucial role in her recovery, providing unwavering support as Erica navigates the complexities of her trauma. Back home, Erica undergoes intensive therapy, grappling with her grief and the vivid memories etched in her mind.
As the story unfolds, it delves into the backgrounds of Erica's friends-Elisa, Tina, and others-who each bring their own stories and struggles, enriching the narrative with themes of personal growth, friendship, and the exploration of identity. The story weaves through their lives, revealing challenges and triumphs, and the power of community and connection in facing life's adversities.
Overall, the narrative is a rich tapestry of emotional depth, exploring the impact of traumatic events, the healing process, and the strength found in human connections.
One hundred years ago, war threatened the existence of humanity. One man's actions might bring it back.
During WWV, battles weren't won with bombs, but with science. Specifically, with DNA. Now, a person's place in society is determined by their genetic code. If your Gift is as mundane as knowing what time it is without needing a watch, you're probably a Norm, but if it's so extraordinary that it's considered a danger to the public, congratulations, you're an Elite.
Seventeen-year-old Brianna Acero doesn't fall into either category. She is the only girl in the world who has no Gift at all.
When life throws her a curveball and Brianna finds herself living among the Elites, she begins to uncover layers upon layers of secrets about her own past, but there is one secret that was not meant to be unlocked. Now, there is no way of putting it back in its cage. The Second One is back, and this time he won't be so forgiving. His actions could bring about a new world war, and the end of Gifted society along with it. Only Brianna is unique enough to stop him, but will she rise to the challenge?
Revenge is a dangerous game, and not everyone is ready to play it.