In a world where the line between duty and desire blurs, Y/N, a spirited soul from Earth, finds herself entwined with Kenpachi Zaraki, the formidable yet fiercely devoted Soul Reaper. From an arranged marriage to a love that defies expectations, their journey is a testament to enduring passion and unbreakable bonds. Amidst battles and family life, they navigate the highs and lows of their extraordinary existence. When their love blossoms into a family of five, can they balance their fierce devotion to each other with the demands of their roles? The Zaraki Legacy: Love Beyond the Blade is a captivating tale of romance, resilience, and the power of love to conquer all challenges.
It begin so simple. Celebrate a bachelor party at the casino, and make it back in time for the wedding. But there's only one problem with that theory, you can't have a wedding without a groom.
One night of drinking leads to the strangest spiral of chaos.
Disclamers; I don't own Bleach Or The Movie Hangover. Or that cover picture.