Etheria, an ancient and mysterious world, inhabited by magic, dragons, fairies, and strange creatures. There are five basic forces in this world, which help keep the world in balance-fire, water, air, earth, and light. But the forces of darkness slowly begin to destroy this balance, and lead the world to destruction.
Nafi, a simple farmer, accidentally discovers an ancient magical book, which changes the entire course of his life. This book reveals an ancient prophecy that only the "Chosen One" can stop this dark force and save Aetheria. But Nafi doesn't know that he is not alone in this journey. He is joined by six mysterious heroines, each with special abilities and powers, to join the magical battle one by one.
Nafi has a long and perilous journey ahead of him, where he must fight against powerful wizards, dragons, and unknown strange creatures. In each chapter Nafi and his companions will face new enemies and learn more about their own powers.
But the forces of darkness are slowly gaining ground, and Nafi learns that there is no end to this fight-it is impossible to win without the trust and love between them all.
Ray is low on time, luck, and hope; his only chance is an artifact that may not even exist. But upon meeting Landon, Ray is beginning to believe he might find all four.
Cambions are doomed to tragedy. They are weak, sickly creatures that rarely live to see their twentieth year. Ray refuses to resign himself to that fate. Upon learning of the Crimson Sheath-an artifact capable of preserving his life-Ray is prepared to fight, steal, and kill to get his hands on it. He is not prepared for Landon. Landon is an orphan with no memories of his parents, the only inheritance left to him a dagger, sleeping in a crimson sheath. Though he has no love of bloodshed and no use for a dagger, Landon isn't about to let Ray take his only link to his forgotten history, even if that means following the cambion past the edge of the world and into the shadow beyond.
Content Warnings: Violence, semi-graphic gore, character deaths, profanity, mild drug and alcohol usage, abuse discussed but not shown, and morally-questionable people doing morally-questionable things.