"Ah, I forgot to tell you someone else was coming to sit with me," He looked out of the window again, looking as if he didn't know what he was searching for before noting the presence of two glasses, ".. how did you know?"
Seungkwan gave a polite and quiet near chuckle for half of his answer, soft, trickling water being the background to the rest of it.
"Hm, lucky guess?" He replied almost teasingly, making a little eye contact with the man who grinned bashfully in response; he nodded and cleared his throat, starting to fix his suit jacket while Seungkwan finished up, taking the pitcher and gesturing to the menu.
Seungkwan smiled as he spoke, beginning to wrap up the short, slightly playful formalities. "Just raise your hand to call on me or any of our waiters when you're ready to order."
"Okay, thanks," His eyes flitted down to register the nametag, "Seungkwan-ssi."
Seungkwan hummed, "Of course, and what's your name?"
"Oh- Vernon."
He committed the name to memory.
Waiter Seungkwan catches the better half of a failed blind date.
tw: przekleństwa, samookaleczenie, zaburzenia odżywiania, substancje psychoaktywne, zaburzenia psychicznie.
Krystian, znany dawniej w internecie jako "Nexe", zakończył działalność w mediach dwa lata temu, mimo tego dalej ma kontakt z paroma osobami. Kiedy z ust eybiego pada propozycja spotkania całej ekipy ze starych lat, Krystian zaczyna czuć niepokój.
nie każdy romans ma szczęśliwe zakończenie.