My project attempts to highlight some directions in which I see language heading. Despite my relatively short 25 years, I continue to see an innumerable number of imperceptible changes, becoming the course in which our nation will navigate throughout the remainder of my life. Whilst not cast in 1984-style terms, my project attempts to paint that world, that will be familiar yet vastly different. I see it as a world devoid of humour, without colour and in want of a solution.
The reasons for writing are simple. I have read speeches and heard articles on the state of political correctness in modern society. These are reactive to the current state of affairs, but lack the perspective of where this trend is heading. But more importantly, in speaking to as many people as possible, encompassing numerous occupations and backgrounds, I’m yet to find a genuine advocate for political correctness. I concede they exist, though I believe them to be very much in the minority, meanwhile the large majority of the population, unknowingly operate under the yoke of this growing gag.
On a drastically scaled up level from my argument, C.S. Lewis’ words from The Screwtape Letters seem apt: ‘Indeed the safest road to Hell is the gradual one--the gentle slope, soft underfoot, without sudden turnings, without milestones, without signposts.’ I fear for the future of language, and the knock on effects that its belittlement will cause to the simple right of one to express themself in a fearless, honest manner.