The story begins with Hanna, a diligent office worker in Osaka, facing unsettling encounters with a stalker named Ryuji, a former employee obsessed with her. With the help of her close friend Kenji, Hanna overcomes the terrifying nights haunted by Ryuji's constant pursuit, ultimately leading to his capture and removal from her life.
However, peace is short-lived when a new threat emerges in the form of Mr. Hayashi, the new office boss. Though charming at first, Hayashi's interest in Hanna quickly turns into something sinister.
His unsettling behavior escalates, leaving Hanna once again feeling unsafe. Kenji, angered by the harassment Hanna endures, confronts Hayashi in a final, intense showdown, where Kenji nearly takes Hayashi's life in a fit of rage. However, Hanna intervenes, preventing the situation from turning fatal.
In the end, Hayashi leaves the office forever, and Kenji steps into the role of the new boss, with Hanna as his assistant. Together, they ensure that no threats or stalkers will ever harm Hanna again, bringing a sense of closure and safety to her life.
Just when SPR thought it was time to head back to Tokyo and recover from the Yoshimi case, Naru finally discovers what he'd been looking for and announces that the office will no longer exist. While others fish for his brother's corpse, SPR work on what might be their last case together...or at least, kind of together.
It's hard to work together when your team members start to go missing, after all.