Muki, the infamous trickster god, has played one too many pranks. Now, he's stuck in the body of a goat, courtesy of a curse from an unknown wizard with a grudge. His once limitless powers? Reduced to a pitiful set of absurd spells like Eat Anything, Create Milk, and WOOL!--the ability to cover his enemies in the itchiest wool imaginable.
Cursed, confused, and thoroughly humiliated, Muki must figure out which of his many enemies is responsible for his new life as a farm animal. With useless magic, a body not built for godly mischief, and no clue who's behind the curse, Muki's only chance is to travel down to the mortal realm and find the wizard and kill him to break the spell.
But as he embarks on this ridiculous quest, one thing is clear-Muki probably had it coming.