1 part Ongoing in a world on Earth where humanity was gifted the power of the gods, humanity has forsaken all they have learned in their quest for power. now the gods have cursed their children and every generation out of the population of the planet, .08% will be born with power that they will have to learn to control or it will consume them. Now in the modern era or technology is catching up to the ideologies and powers of the gods, there is now schools all around the world to teach these kids how to hone their powers so they are not consumed and in the end destroyed by the very power they were cursed to be born with. The God Who laid the curse is the god who can remove it and this God is unknown, but this God is very resentful of humanity and has not ever shown their face. it is believed he is malevolent and now the gods have taken upon themselves to train these children personally to protect all life respectively in what is known as Divine Academy?