After a series of gruesome murders and chaotic events that took place in 1983, 1987, and 1993 in every iteration of Fazbear Entertainment Inc.' establishments, the decision was made to close every single pizzeria. But Fazbear Entertainment Inc. had other plans in mind for the Freddy Fazbear's Pizza brand. Two of them were malls. While the the latest Freddy Fazbear's Pizza location was around, construction on Freddy's Mall was under way. By the time the pizzeria shut down, the mall opened its doors not too far from the original restaurant. Freddy's Mall was an experiment that the Mega Pizzaplex would derive from if the former should fail. And so it did, after five years of being in order, Freddy's Mall once served as a remembrance of every single Freddy's location, bringing back the good old days of the franchise by placing all the old characters and decor in one singular place for all families to enjoy. And all it took was one bad day to ruin everything. Now being left to rot as an abandoned shackle of what once was supposed to be a redemption of the franchise. Now Freddy's Mall lay forgotten by the rest of the world. No one would dare enter the place again.... except for one man, dangerously curious to find out the truth.....