The world is corrupt and crazy. It's been like this for decades after the harsh apocalypse that was thrown upon it. A collection of people survived and the virus died out as the immunes emerged. The first immune people began the rebuild of the world, passing the role onto generations to restore the world. But there was a family that was the most prominent, the most historical.
The Lees. The first immune Lee was Lee Hyun, the one who took charge of the rebuild. She was a brave, strong figure. Her descendants carried on the legacy and soon came into proper power by creating themselves as a Mafia, calling themselves Hourglass. This soon led to the current leader, Lee Bora and her son, Lee Minho.
Han Jisung's a strong character and not afraid to stand up for himself. He's been called crazy, rebellious and god what hasn't he been called? Does he care? No. Not one bit. There are others like Jisung. Others that are 'too rebellious for their own good' and the people with the power want to keep that while keeping the people under control.
Of course the only fitting thing seemed to be what they called The Hourglass Games.
Cover by @Jaygrfx7