The story follows Lu Feng, a billionaire in China who, at the peak of his career, unexpectedly finds himself reborn in 1990, inhabiting the body of a 24-year-old delinquent. This young man, with only a primary school education, is lazy, aimless, constantly getting into fights, addicted to gambling, and even abusive toward his wife. Faced with such a dismal life and identity, Lu Feng is struck by the overwhelming contrast and struggles to accept it. However, since fate has granted him a second chance, he resolves to change everything-both himself and the world around him. With this new life, Lu Feng is no longer the penniless failure he once might have been. Armed with the wisdom and experience of his billionaire past, making money comes effortlessly. But he isn't satisfied with just that. With a clear understanding of future trends and developments, he sets out to rebuild his empire, not only to reclaim his place at the top of the financial world but also to influence the future titans of industry. This is not just a game of wealth-it's a legendary story of a comeback. Lu Feng vows to make his name resonate across the world, becoming the one who stands at the pinnacle of his era. From an ordinary, underprivileged man to a globally admired business tycoon, Lu Feng's path to greatness is fraught with challenges, but he knows that each step will lay the foundation for his future legendary status.
9 parts