In the prestigious Superdemy, a special school for gifted teenagers, five extraordinary students-Chris, Marie, Debbie, Ethan, Timothy, and their allies-are admitted to explore their unique superpowers. Chris wields super intelligence, Marie has mind control, Debbie possesses invisibility, Ethan can duplicate himself, and Timothy can manipulate his size. As they embark on their new lives at Superdemy, they revel in the thrilling and fun activities the school offers, unaware of the dark secrets hidden beneath the surface.The students quickly gain recognition for their abilities, drawing admiration and envy from their peers. However, their success attracts the attention of the enigmatic Sentinels, an influential faction within the school determined to maintain control and suppress dissent. When Chris and his friends uncover evidence of a sinister project aimed at enhancing the Sentinels' control over the student body, they must navigate a web of deception and danger.As they work to expose the truth, the team faces increasing opposition from the Sentinels and their allies. Their efforts culminate in a dramatic assembly where they reveal the hidden technology and its implications, sparking a powerful resistance among the students and faculty. With the future of Superdemy hanging in the balance, Chris and his team must confront the Sentinels and fight for justice, freedom, and a brighter future for all.
Do you ever want to go into a video game, not knowing what's on the other side? Meeting iconic video game characters that you don't know of? Alex a 17-year old teen got that chance, he's just a normal human being, living a very hard life. living with his grandparents with one brother and three sisters to take care of. He works hard being a junior, and has best friends who stick with him through thick and thin and help him in tough situations... but his life-changes when fate knocks on his door... or Come out of his closet door...