Follows Kaito Matsuda, a talented but brash young recruit in the Universe Defense Institute, assigned to the elite Nebula Sentinel squad led by the formidable Commander Naomi Hayashi. Kaito, eager to prove himself, is thrust into a battle beyond his comprehension when the ancient Kaiju, Onyx-Kan, awakens, leaving destruction in its wake across distant worlds.
During a devastating encounter, Kaito witnesses the fall of Ultraman Hikari, the infamous protector of the galaxy. In his final moments, Hikari merges with Kaito, unlocking dormant powers within him. Now bound to the legacy of Ultraman Hikari, Kaito must come to terms with his newfound abilities and the responsibility that comes with them.
As Onyx-Kan grows stronger and the universe teeters on the brink of annihilation, Kaito and the Nebula Sentinel must embark on a perilous mission to stop the Kaiju's devastation. But Kaito's journey to harness Hikari's full power may be the only hope to bring light to the darkest of times.
(I do not own nor create some of the Kaiju nor ultraman that will appear or mention in the story. All of their right belongs to Tsuburaya)
Twelve years ago, a dark Ultraman name Tregear tried to attack the Land of Light, but the New Generations Heroes tried to stop him but were beaten, but a new team called the Tri-Squad stop Tregear but were weak and Tregear singly took them down. Years later, a new defence team, AIGES, which handle any disasters and rescue mission. Join Hasegawa Yuga and his team on battling kaijus with his team and the Tri-Squad. Now shout it out, Buddy Go!