World Greatest Teacher: Ultraman Taro!
18 parts Ongoing The story centers around Hiro ItΕ, a newly appointed teacher at a university in Bunkyo City, Tokyo. Hiro, along with his supportive wife Masumi, embarks on a new chapter in their lives as they move to the bustling city to pursue Hiro's teaching career.
Meanwhile, in the far reaches of space, the dark entity Belial plots his next move, intent on spreading chaos and domination beyond Earth's borders.
Back on Earth, Hiro finds himself caught in the midst of both ordinary and extraordinary events. While navigating the challenges of his new role as a teacher, he unwittingly stumbles upon an Ultra Badge, a powerful artifact with the potential to alter the course of his life.
Unaware of its true significance, Hiro dismisses the Ultra Badge as a mere trinket, unaware of the incredible powers it possesses. As the story unfolds, Hiro will discover the truth behind the Ultra Badge and find himself thrust into a world of intergalactic conflict, where he must confront his own limitations and rise to the challenge of protecting humanity from the forces of darkness.
Along the way, Hiro will forge new enemy, face formidable adversaries, and embark on a journey of self-discovery as he embraces his role as a Ultraman Taro destined to defend Earth against the machinations of Belial and his minions.
Through adversity and triumph, Hiro will learn the true meaning of courage, perseverance, and the indomitable human spirit, proving that even the most ordinary of individuals can wield extraordinary power when faced with extraordinary circumstances.
Created and Written by Sushi-Pants studio