In the magical town of Luminara, everyone possesses unique powers. Elara Winters, gifted with the ability to control time, begins to experience dark visions of a looming disaster. With her family, each blessed with extraordinary abilities-her father commands the elements, her mother heals, and her brother controls minds-Elara joins a secret council to uncover the truth behind the threat.
The council members include Lysander, who controls shadows and minds, Thalia, a weather manipulator, and Elias, a master of light and illusions. Together, they must stop a dark force called the Void from destroying their world. Along the way, Elara uncovers ancient secrets, hidden dangers, and a growing connection with Lysander that could change everything.
As the prophecy unravels, Elara must use her power to save Luminara before time runs out.
مَــاذَا سَــيَحدُث لـكَ إنْ كُنـتَ لا تَـعلم إذ كُـنتَ فـَتى أم فَـتاة؟
فَـتاة في الثانية والعشرون ،معزولة عن العَـالم بـآسرهِ، لا تَـعلم حقيقتها .
عَـاشت حياتها كَـرجُـل وبقيت هكذا حتى قابلت القائد العام لقوات الدِرك الوطني السابق جــيــون اليـساندرو جـونـغــكوك الذي آخذها معهُ إلـى عالمهِ لـيغير حياتها.
# اليـساندرو فـيـرزاتــشي.
# تــولاي فيـنسي.