In a world where peace seems within grasp, two unlikely allies-Bucky Barnes, seeking a quiet life after his tumultuous past, and Loki, struggling to find his place on Midgard-find their tranquility shattered by haunting, disjointed memories. As their once-stable lives crumble, they are drawn into a dark web of manipulation that threatens global stability.
An enigmatic force, blending ancient magic with sinister technology, begins to rewrite their minds, compelling them to execute dangerous missions that only they are uniquely equipped to complete. As they battle against their own wills, they uncover the chilling truth: an unseen malevolent presence with a deep connection to their pasts is orchestrating their every move.
With old allies and enemies alike in pursuit, Bucky and Loki must navigate a perilous path, racing against time to break free from this shadowy influence before their actions unleash chaos upon the world. In a fight against both external threats and internal demons, their struggle reveals not only the depth of their own strength but the dark, enigmatic force manipulating them from the shadows.
This is going to be an AU.
I do not own any marvel characters used or the images.
Her tears.
Happy or sad? Relief or fear? Love or despair? So many emotions reflected in those tiny droplets.
Something Regan Hathaway had refused to allow herself. Until now.
His Tears.
Frustration or desolation? Broken or accepting? Tom watched the audience as he stood, tears streaming down his face. A hundred pairs of eyes looked back. He saw only one. The pair that were filled with their own. The pair that were filled with pain.
Who was she? Why was she crying? Could he help? He knew he had to find out.