Yesha, a Filipino-British girl living in present-day London, stumbles upon an old, dusty journal while exploring her grandmother's attic. The journal tells the story of Danny Walker, a fighter pilot stationed at Pearl Harbor in the late 1930s, and his deep love for a Filipino nurse named Maria. Drawn in by the romance and history, Yesha becomes obsessed with the story, only to be mysteriously transported back in time to 1939 Pearl Harbor.
Yesha finds herself in the midst of a world on the brink of war. She meets Danny and Maria, quickly becoming friends with them both. As she spends more time with Danny, she begins to fall for him, captivated by his courage, kindness, and unwavering love for Maria. However, she doesn't recognize the growing ache in her heart until she witnesses the tender moments between Danny and Maria, realizing that she has fallen deeply in love with him.
Throughout the story, Yesha battles with her feelings, knowing that Danny's heart belongs to Maria. She tries to hide her emotions, supporting Danny and Maria's blossoming romance, even though it causes her pain. As tensions rise and war looms closer, Yesha grapples with the impossibility of her love and her place in this time.
In the end, after a series of emotional events, Danny begins to see Yesha in a different light, realizing too late that he has also fallen in love with her. However, the realities of war and the unchangeable past force Yesha to return to her own time.
The story is a poignant exploration of love, sacrifice, and the inevitability of fate, as Yesha and Danny's love story unfolds against the backdrop of one of history's most tumultuous times.
(DISCLAIMER: I really hope writing this isn't insensitive, if you think this is disrespectful please let me know, thankyou.)
what happens when the only guy you've ever loved is a Lieutenant under the command of Major Jimmy Doolittle?
We met at the hospital, I was a nurse, he was a pilot. He was ordered to go off to duty anywhere in the world with a 50% chance of survival, whilst I was stuck in Hawaii as a nurse helping the critically injured.
Can things really work out between 2 people who are what seems like 3 worlds apart? maybe not, but I have to try, even if it could end in heartbreak.
(Ok so the events that are in the film will not be exactly to how I'm writing them, again please tell me if this is insensitive.)