Hitohito Tadano, an average boy with a heart of gold, never expected to date the school's enigmatic beauty, Shouko Komi. But as he becomes her anchor for battling her struggle with social anxiety, their worlds intertwine in unexpected ways.
A sudden rainstorm, a late-night dinner and a very heat-rising misunderstanding bring them closer than ever before. This is a humorous story about the courage to take the next steps of their relashionship.
DISCLAIMER: All characters mentioned in this fanfiction belong fully to the original manga series Komi Can't Communicate by Tomohito Oda, and I don't claim any sort of copywrite. This is a fan made production. Most of the images are taken straight out of the original manga, by the same author, Tomohito Oda.
Eren awakens from his deep sleep, and Mikasa and himself believe that things will actually change for the better.
The pair start to develop their new lives together and have high hopes for the future ahead of them.
Unfortunately, nothing is perfect; especially in the beautiful, cruel world they live in.
All rights go to Hajime Isayama for characters and original storyline.
Art by Lolakasa.