This story follows a recent med school graduate, William Mcalister aged 26. William chose to live his life in his medical books until he finally achieve the status of Dr, where he felt successful enough to take a breather and enjoy life. In the last few months of his residency, after finally checking in on his declining health William soon finds out he only has half a year left to live unless he acts quickly to extend his life span. Shortly after finding out he has less than a year to live, William Mcalister, sets out to create and complete a series of bucket lists to complete before sharing the devastating news with his parents and friends. During this newfound quest, William encountered an old friend he lost contact with while attending a support group while intoxicated as a prank to lighten up his mood. Unknowingly the support group he attended was in fact for abused victims and not substance abuse. While sitting in the back of the meeting, his list of things to do before unveiling his fate got cut short. The list came to a stop because of the group leader after she finished telling her testimony about how she started the group. When William heard her story, he finally realized why his childhood girlfriend had to move out in the middle of the night without ever seeing her again. Although he was still intoxicated he got up and ran out of the meeting and straight to the back alley to process and to realize how unfair life is as he screams in denial, until he stumbles and falls on the ground. A nearby passerby helped him up and got him a cab home. When he woke up the next morning, his motive was clear and his mind became fixated on one thing and one thing only as he walked a path of secrecy, a path doomed to only end in one way, not for the future, not for love, not for peace, only for revenge.
A criminal mastermind makes a bold move against a wealthy client to put himself in a position to retire in comfort. He has no idea what he's up against when a young widow, desperate to make ends meet, sets her eyes on earning the bounty set on his head.
Newly widowed housewife Melody Scott needs to earn some major cash, fast. When her bright and busy children learn that a priceless ruby bracelet has been stolen and a six-figure reward is being offered, they convince her to try to do what the police, museum security, and the best private investigators have failed to do. Working against them is a notorious thief who has met people from around the world, but who has never once encountered a woman like Melody Scott. When the sweet innocence of the Scott family clashes against criminal forces more dangerous than they ever imagined, Melody is all too aware that a mom's got to do what a mom's got to do to protect her family.
The Widow, Melody Scott is a 2021 Watty Award Winner!
Content Warning: This story does contain depictions of stalking behavior.