In the remote Scottish village of Glenwood, the year 1997 brought to light a chilling secret hidden for decades. Samuel Hargrove, born in 1923, was once a brilliant scientist whose quest for eternal youth led him down a path of unimaginable horror. Isolated in the decaying mansion on the town's edge, Hargrove turned to dark rituals, consuming the life essence of children to rejuvenate his aging body.
For nearly seventy years, the disappearances of local children were attributed to various explanations, while the true horror remained concealed within the mansion's walls. The disappearance of young Jamie MacGregor, however, led his brave sister Lily to uncover the gruesome truth. Her discovery exposed Hargrove's nightmarish existence, propelling Glenwood into a media frenzy as global news outlets sensationalized the story.
The village, once peaceful, was thrust into the limelight, its private tragedies broadcast to the world. As the media storm eventually faded, Glenwood faced the aftermath of its brush with unspeakable evil, forever scarred by the dark legacy of Samuel Hargrove.