In a dystopian world where time is the ultimate currency, the rich, known as the Eternals, live for centuries by siphoning life from the poor. Those in the slums are left with mere days, their time stolen and sold to the elite.
Mira, a young woman from the slums of Sector 13, is desperate to save her brother as his time dwindles. With only a few days left herself, she embarks on a dangerous mission to break into the heart of the time-harvesting system. But when she encounters Rai, a mysterious and conflicted Eternal, her plan is thrown into chaos. Rai offers her an unexpected path, one that forces her to confront not just the injustice of their world, but her own feelings for someone who should be her enemy.
As Mira and Rai's lives become intertwined, they must navigate a delicate balance between rebellion and survival. With their worlds pulling them apart and time running out, their connection grows into something neither can deny. But in a society built on stolen time, can love survive the ultimate divide?
*SEQUEL* When Y/N, Druig, Thena and Makkari try to save their captured friends from Arishem, they too are captured. When Judgment falls, it comes with a test. They are sent back to earth as humans. If they can find each other and prove love conquers all, both they and humanity will be spared. The only problem is they have no memories of their past or their powers.
When Ghaur the Deviant attacks the Earth to try to take Tiamut's dormant power for his own, Y/N with newly reacquired memories must find the others to help defeat him. All while getting Druig to fall in love with her again.
Forgotten memories, a lost love and a world ending catastrophe on the horizon? Well, at least she's done this before.
Sequel to When Worlds Collide and Days are Dark