Adam never died till he was killed by Nifty. Adam shouldn't have even been alive his heart still festered with sin. Because he was still a living mortal human that had been kept from the death he was supposed to have so he go to not the heaven. But the New Heaven, A New Eden, untouched by corruption. It is the highest point above the low Hevaens. The Sky above Skies a realm of Infinite Blue sky, white clouds, cloud pillars with green grass and trees, stretching forever as far as the eye can see. The One whom created all life and everything, but choose to watch creation without interference was displeased by Adam being kept alive by the Seraphim council and Arch angels whom feared Adam the gold boy was possibly going to go to hell. So as he lay dying of old age they took him to Heaven ascended by force while he was still alive, gave him wings, made immortal, with the sin in his heart still remaining corrupting him into a jerk as he lived too long. Even Adam knew something was wrong with him he could feel it. He say things he shouldn't have, act nothing like the good struggling man he was for 923 years. Sera pretending it was normal because she and the other angels didn't want Adam to die as he was meant to. And behold as if as punishment Adam finally dies. But now his spirit and soul are peace his sins forgiven by his creator and savior for Adam did not know he was still a living human. And he will join his heavenly mother in the bliss.All Rights Reserved