The story revolves around a girl named 'Amish Hazel' who is a project manager. She is an anxious girl who always worries about the quality of her work. Her work got wings when she got a Project From Ian Evans, who is a successful businessman and is known for his good looks. He has a very rude and cold personality...
Amish was terrified and was about to deny the offer for his project but her friends convinced her.
Surprisingly, as they work together, a bond forms between Amish and Ian, leading to an unexpected friendship.
However, Ian secretly harbors romantic feelings for Amish but is hesitant to confess due to his awareness of what truly impresses her!
Ian knows he has all the qualities but he can't do anything because of that one particular reason!
Read the book to know how they both get together and enjoy their cute and steamy relationship.
Read to know why he chose Amish when he can marry any girl he lays a finger on!
And yes don't forget to fall in love with "Ian Evans!"