In the bustling metropolis of New York City, where dreams are as high as the skyscrapers and life never slows down, Daphney Yuvishka Stevens, a simple and sweet young woman from a tropical island, is struggling to make her mark. Having left her vibrant home behind on the other side of the globe, Daphney arrives in the city with the hopes of finding a better life, as envisioned by her parents. With the hope of having degree in hand, she finds herself working at McDonald's, trying to make ends meet while holding onto her dream of finding a true best friend-someone with whom she can share everything. Just when Daphney's dreams seem distant, a twist of fate changes her life forever. She receives an unexpected admission to the prestigious Elite Academy, a school known for its elite students, including the children of celebrities and the young stars themselves. As Daphney steps into this new world of opulence and privilege, she is faced with a world vastly different from the one she knew. Will Daphney finally find the close friendship she has longed for, or will this new adventure offer her something even more profound? "Part of your world: New york stories" is a heartwarming tale of courage, self-discovery, and the search for genuine connection but most importantly it is a tale of Friendship and romance.