In a world where Quirks reign supreme, heroes are worshiped like gods, and the powerless are left behind, Aiden Wolfe stands apart. Born Quirkless and disregarded by society, Aiden has no interest in the hero system or its false promises of salvation.
Instead of turning to Quirks, Aiden turns to technology. Armed with a mind that rivals the greatest intellects, he dives into the world of cyberware, developing innovations that can push humanity forward-without the need for Quirks. But Aiden's independent mindset puts him at odds with the Hero Public Safety Commission and UA, who see his advancements as a threat to their carefully constructed system.
Despite attempts to force him into compliance, Aiden refuses to be controlled. He's not interested in being a hero or following the rules of a society that discarded him. Every step of the way, he faces heroes who misunderstand his motives, a government that seeks to control him, and a system designed to suppress anyone who dares to challenge the status quo.
But Aiden won't back down. With his cybernetic creations, sharp wit, and determination, he's ready to show the world that there's another path forward-a path where Quirks aren't the only way to make a difference. In a world obsessed with power, Aiden is prepared to stand alone and prove that true strength comes from those who refuse to be controlled.
"Let the heroes have their Quirks," he says. "I'll build something better."
I do know own the pictures, videos, songs, GIFs and some characters in this story, they belong to their original owners
I do not any of series, animes or games used in this story, they belong to their original owners
Warning: 18+, sexual content, blood, gore and extreme violence, plus mentions of alcohol and drug abuse, also mentions of suicide
our fav protagonist (or just mine ) izuku Midoriya....
Abused ? check ✔️
love ? nop . check ✔️
Parents? Loving ? Nop . check ✔️
quirkless? check ✔️
experimented ? ✔️
HEART OF HERO ? check ✅
izuku Midoriya had a stange relationship with his parents. He loved them but was never shown affection or love . they did not loved him or hate him . until he received his quirk or never got any in first the place .
Abused by his father . sell offed to villains . experimented by the villians . will he be able escape from the hell ?
Will he continue to be a true hero ? or will his will to save people die ? what if he became a vigilante? will he find a parent's love again ? will katsuki be able to see izuku again ? ..... follow izuku from hell to heaven or above .
panick attacks
protective zawa
if any of these would trigger you avoid reading
and ENJOY 😅...
( I don't own any character in this story but the story plot is mine )