In a world where heroes rise and fall, two souls from vastly different universes find themselves entwined in a new life. Izuku Midoriya, the courageous young hero from U.A. High, and Sans, the enigmatic skeleton from the Underground, both met tragic ends in their respective worlds. But fate has other plans.
When their souls are brought together by the powerful dragon Great Red, they are fused into a single being and reincarnated into a new life within the world of DxD. Now, as a child born to a couple who had struggled with infertility, this unique individual must navigate the challenges of a new world with a mind shared by two distinct personalities.
Izuku, driven by his heroic ideals, and Sans, with his laid-back demeanor and dark humor, must learn to coexist and harness their combined strengths. As they grow up, they discover their new abilities and the weight of their shared past. Their journey will test their resolve, challenge their perceptions, and force them to confront threats that threaten not only their new world but the balance of their intertwined destinies.
With the legacy of their former lives and the responsibility of their current one, they must forge a path that honors their past while shaping the future. "Soulbound: A Hero's Rebirth" is a tale of redemption, identity, and the unbreakable bonds of fate.
This is based off and inspired by a one shot from Fanfiction
Of Heroes, Skeletons, and Devils (One shot)
by OneHighZergling
Highly recommend you read the one shot before you read the story