In the aftermath of disbandment, a fiery reunion sparks a thrilling new journey for the members of Fairy Tail in "Fairy Tail's King of Titans." As Natsu Dragneel, Lucy Heartfillia, and Happy set out to rebuild their beloved guild, they encounter two mysterious allies from the distant Southern Continent of Kaijin. Among them is Logan 'Zilla' Serizawa, a Take-Over wizard harboring a power unlike any other - that of a long-forgotten race of Apex Predators. His companion, Shimo, wields formidable Ice Magic with secrets shrouded in mystery. Together, they must navigate an epic quest filled with friendship, magic, and the looming shadows of darkness on the horizon. Join your favorite Fairy Tail mages alongside new faces as they face challenges, unravel secrets, and ignite the flames of adventure in this electrifying tale. Discover what fate has in store for Natsu, Lucy, and the rest of the guild in a story that promises to reignite the flames of Fairy Tail with "Fairy Tail's King of Titans." Let the magic unfold.
I don't own Fairy Tail. All rights to Fairy Tail belong to Hiro Mashima. I will be changing a few things in this story, I won't say what those changes are until they happen in the story.
Prologue (Completed)
Side Story 1 (Completed)
Avatar Arc (Inprogress)
Alvarez Arc (Incomplete)
Water Dragon God Arc (Incomplete)
Wood Dragon God Arc (Incomplete)
Moon Dragon God Arc (Incomplete)
Great Labyrinth Arc (Incomplete)
Gold Owl Arc (Incomplete)
True Dragon King Festival Arc (Incomplete)
Side Story 2 (Incomplete)
Side Story 3 (Incomplete)
Christmas Special (Incomplete)
Thanksgiving Special (Incomplete)
Halloween Special (Incomplete)
Valentines Special (Incomplete)
In which, a 15 year old signs up to play the games, unknowing of the friendships she'd make and the people she'd lose.
( published 11/10/2021 )
( completed 18/10/2021 )
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