"In Search for Title" is a poignant K-drama inspired tale of love, mystery, and historical intrigue. Set against the backdrop of early 20th century Korea, the story follows the journey of a high school student, Minjae, who becomes romantically involved with Haejin Lee, a girl whose life was tragically cut short.
The narrative begins with Minjae's discovery of Haejin's ghost at his school, leading him into a deep investigation of her untimely death. As he delves into the mystery, he uncovers a trove of personal letters, diary entries, and historical documents that reveal the intense and forbidden love between Haejin and Minjae. Their relationship, fraught with societal pressures and personal struggles, becomes the focal point of the investigation.
Throughout the story, Minjae encounters various individuals from the past, including an "unseen witness" whose observations provide crucial clues. The journey takes him through hidden rooms, old archives, and personal accounts, piecing together the events leading to Haejin's death.
Ultimately, Minjae discovers that Haejin's death was a tragic convergence of personal heartbreak and societal conflict. The story culminates in a revelation that honors Haejin's memory and sheds light on the enduring impact of love and the importance of understanding the past. The tale intertwines romance, historical exploration, and the quest for truth, offering a deep and emotional reflection on the complexities of human relationships and the legacies we leave behind.
It's just a relationship where both of them have different kind of goals with each other. However, time can always change everyone's way of thinking. And that's exactly what happens to the literature's teacher. Park Jihyo, who suddenly starts to see her student, Min Hyunjae, as a man.
Will this new feelings lead to anything good? Or will it just lead to trouble for the both of them? What could go wrong for the modern Romeo and Juliet?
This story was inspired by an adaptation of "Forever (Michaeng)" by @x_mochimin_x