In "A Dance of Fate," two powerful beings with intertwined destinies navigate a world where magic and emotion clash. One, embodying the crow, symbolizes death with an enigmatic presence, while the other, representing the snake, holds the essence of rebirth and renewal, marked by a fiery spirit and a tender heart. As their paths converge, they must confront their own inner demons and the complex forces that bind them together. In a realm where love and fate are as unpredictable as the winds, their journey is one of passion, conflict, and profound transformation.
Death. Love. Fate. Three words that are so pervasive and are so impactful, yet so hard to grasp until they apply to you. On the night of the school holiday dance, Sally and Dmitri come to understand the meaning of these words as they race against time to escape the world that lies beyond the living plane. As time passes, the importance of that moment becomes more apparent as Lex and Dmitri embark on adventures that neither of them anticipated. COMPLETED!!!