It is a heartwarming yaoi romance set in a world where werewolves secretly live among humans. The story follows an omega werewolf named Eliot, who unexpectedly discovers that his fated mate is a seemingly ordinary human named Alex, someone completely unaware of the supernatural world.
As the bond between them grows stronger, Eliot is torn between keeping his secret and revealing the truth about his werewolf nature to Alex. Their relationship blossoms with soft moments of fluff and affection as Alex unknowingly falls for Eliot. However, as the mating bond deepens, Eliot faces the challenges of his omega instincts, including the potential for an unexpected pregnancy (mpreg), something Alex is far from prepared for.
As Alex learns more about Eliot's world, the two must navigate their newfound love, the supernatural dangers that threaten to tear them apart, and the implications of their bond.
The story is filled with tender, heartwarming moments of love and fluff, alongside the tension of revealing secrets and embracing a future together. The theme of fate, love, and trust takes center stage, making who enjoy supernatural romance, sweet yaoi dynamics, and mpreg twists.