Title: Lunar Shadows
Genre: Supernatural Thriller / Horror / Drama
Lunar Shadows follows the story of Alex Rivers, a young man cursed to live as a werewolf after a violent attack. As he struggles to balance his humanity with his growing animalistic urges, he uncovers a hidden world of supernatural beings, ancient prophecies, and dark secrets tied to his bloodline. As Alex battles external enemies and inner demons, he realizes that his transformation is not just a curse-it's part of a larger, dangerous legacy.
Main Characters:
1. Alex Rivers: The protagonist, a newly turned werewolf struggling to maintain his humanity while being hunted by supernatural forces.
2. Mia Thompson: Alex's best friend and secret crush, who gets dragged into his dangerous world.
3. Ethan Blake: A seasoned werewolf hunter with a vendetta, seeking revenge for his family's death by a werewolf pack.
4. Luna: A mysterious and powerful werewolf with ties to an ancient prophecy.
5. Dr. Selene Pierce: A scientist specializing in folklore who becomes obsessed with studying Alex's condition, believing it to be the key to curing supernatural ailments.
Season Arc:
The season follows Alex's transformation from a regular teenager to a werewolf caught in a war between packs, hunters, and a secret society trying to harness werewolf blood for their own gains.
The overarching narrative revolves around Alex discovering his role in an ancient prophecy that could change the fate of both human and supernatural worlds.
~3 Years BEFORE Luna Hana~
The running never bothered her - she had run her entire life. From what? Nothing in particular...at least not that she could remember. The only real threats in her life were accidentally stumbling onto an Alpha's territory, or encountering a male rogue who was a disgusting prick. Although the first option seemed completely unfathomable, Lena Moretti's life as a rogue comes to a screeching halt when she finds herself inside the territory of the Polar Moon pack.
Alpha Elijah Perrin of the Polar Moon pack is known to outsiders as "the cold one." No one was really sure why or how the Alpha had earned such a title, himself included. After all, didn't it seem a bit odd for someone rumored to be so heartless to search the seven packs high and low for years in pursuit of his beloved mate? Or perhaps not having his mate is what made him cold.
When Lena and Elijah cross paths, both of their lives are thrown completely off balance. The two of them challenge each other's expectations and uncover truths that they never could've imagined.
(Watty's 2017)
Cover by @victoriapinkglitter
#1 in Drama 4/12/2020
-Luna Hana
-Luna Lena
-Luna Audrey
-Luna Zahra
-Luna Skylar
-Luna Brenna
-Luna Melody
**This is the second book in the Luna's series. Although not required, I highly recommend reading these stories in order.**
**May contain mature content including cursing, and scenes of sex or violence. Warnings will be given within the appropriate chapters**