Meet Haruto Kurosaki, Younger Brother to Ichigo, Yuzu, and Karin Kurosaki, Son to Isshin and the late Masaki Kurosaki. Being a Bright young boy with an IQ of 183, and in high school alongside his brother isn't the only thing that makes him unique, but it's the fact That he can see spirits, recently, he has been having terrible nightmares about a man in purple and white, who is this person? Why Is he calling him master what lies in store for the young Kurosaki? Nobody knows what Lies ahead, but they will be part of the experience.
Izumi Midoriya was in class sad due to the fact that she and her family neglected and abused Izuku Midoriya her twin brother. Izuku was diagnosed quirkless and she along with her older sister made his life miserable. Their own parents forgot about him but her older brother was there for him. Izuku couldn't take the abuse and he ran away with Izuka. They regretted their actions with him and wanted both brothers back. Years later they haven't found them anywhere, and now Izumi is a student and her sister is Aizawa assistant. After a surprise attack from the League most parents wanted their children not to be heroes anymore. Nezu had no choice but to contact the Anbu an organization with strong people to protect the students. The class along with their parents meet them and learn that they contacted the Uchiha Brothers who are considered Gods.The Uchiha Brothers are no other than Izuku and Izuka.