In war-torn Aleppo, young Zeniah's life unravels as her city is engulfed by violence. At first, the distant explosions seem surreal, like a movie, but the brutal reality of war hits home when her school is destroyed, and she learns that friends and loved ones are being killed. As the streets empty and danger lurks around every corner, Zeniah's family struggles to survive with dwindling food and constant fear.
The war not only destroys her home but also tears apart relationships, forcing Zeniah to abandon even her best friend due to political divisions. One day, a nearby shelling kills her neighbors and nearly claims her own family. Traumatized, she realizes how fragile life has become.
As food runs out and the city's destruction worsens, Zeniah's father makes a painful decision. To save his family, he arranges for Zeniah to be sold to a military officer in exchange for safe passage to Damascus. Though devastated, Zeniah accepts her fate, realizing that it is the only way to save her loved ones.
In the end, Zeniah sacrifices herself, enduring unspeakable pain and violation, as her family escapes the horrors of Aleppo. Despite her tragic fate, she clings to a vision of the future-a hopeful dream of Aleppo restored and her family's happiness.
Zeniah's last act is one of quiet heroism, her innocence shattered but her love for her family unwavering.