In a world where magic is a cornerstone of society, Hanami Yotsuba, the enigmatic Heiress of the Yotsuba Clan, and Tatsuya Shiba, a powerful magician with unrivaled skills but lacking human emotions, find themselves navigating both the pressures of their status and the deepening bond between them.
Set on their freshmen year at the First High School where Hanami and Tatsuya will be known for their exceptional skills despite their indifference on their standing on the society. Despite secrecy that is bound to the duties their relationship begins to blossom beyond their roles as protector and heiress.
Tatsuya, who has always approached life with cold logic and duty, starts to show signs of warmth, especially toward Hanami. Together, they must balance their responsibilities as they investigate the sinister forces threatening the competition, all while exploring the uncharted territory of their emotions.
With moments of vulnerability, intense action, and quiet affection, this story delves into the complexities of love, duty, and the emotional awakening of two people who are more alike than they realize. Bound by the weight of their roles, Hanami and Tatsuya must confront not only the challenges in their lives but also the growing connection between them one that neither of them can ignore.
Tatsuya Shiba X OC
Date Published: September 17, 2024
Date Complete:
There is no impeccable disguise, every disguise can be seen through. After Scorched Halloween, Saegusa Koichi smells something amiss with regards to Tatsuya and begins to investigate him. As Tatsuya's disguise gets exposed bit by bit, he gets caught between the Saegusa and the Yotsuba, all while trying to juggle between Mayumi and Miyuki.
Warning: Tatsuya will slowly go OOC