Hyunjin's life at school is turned upside down when Felix, a strikingly beautiful and enigmatic new student, arrives. Despite Felix's captivating appearance and effortless charm, Hyunjin finds himself increasingly frustrated and intrigued by the way Felix seems to deliberately provoke him. Adding to the complexity, Felix is dating Hyunjin's best friend, Chan, which only intensifies Hyunjin's feelings. As Hyunjin struggles to understand his own emotions and maintain his composure, he inadvertently becomes entangled in Felix's life. When he stumbles upon a secretive exchange between Felix and another new student, Jisung, he is convinced that Felix is hiding something sinister. But when the truth is revealed, it's not what Hyunjin expected. The deception turns out to be a heartfelt surprise for Chan, forcing Hyunjin to confront his own misconceptions and feelings.