Haruki Sakura is a kind-hearted student who finds herself caught up in her friend Hitachi Aya's determined quest to recruit the elusive Kenma Kozume into their school's gaming club. Despite Kenma's deep passion for gaming, he prefers to play solo and avoids the social obligations that come with being part of a club. Aya is frustrated by his refusal, especially since she knows how much he loves games. When Haruki and Kenma's paths cross more frequently, something unexpected begins to develop. Haruki, initially focused on supporting Aya's goals, starts to see Kenma in a new light. She finds his awkwardness endearing and is drawn to his quiet charm. As a beginner in games, she admires Kenma for his impressive skills and finds him intriguing. Kenma, on the other hand, begins to struggle with his growing feelings for Haruki. What began as a simple childhood friendship evolves into something more profound as he admires Haruki's kindness and beauty. His feelings become more complicated, creating a swirl of emotions he is unprepared to handle. As their budding romance shifts the focus away from Aya's original plan, she is surprisingly pleased to see her friend find love. The story unfolds with surprises and evolving relationships, exploring how unexpected connections can change lives in the best way possible. The characters depicted in this story are not my own, and any images used are credited to their respective owners. Thank you to all the creators whose work contributes to this story!All Rights Reserved