Time to release all past negative thoughts and negative energy from humans plants animals world wide . working together solving common problems team effect showing harmony peace open mind mind body for everyone break down barriers in the fashion world work places cease labeling of people been told you are not good or smart I decided pull myself out of empty hole push open doors to new dreams goals with help by my own special spirts guards watching over me each day , night turn around my world doing mediate sound bowl music calming destress ones mind , body . There must be world peace before this year ends all main media sites shall pay the price for telling untruth fake stories huge lies about many subjects news stations radios online social media sites . I believe countries could easy work together solving everyday problems on future earth Education power water growing plenty of food ending that blaming game that belongs in the old dark lost current earth , where is slowly disappearing as power light waves surrounding sweeping away negative darkness have no where to hide their power controls intentions towards us human beings will end victory to future light forces ready challenges against all dark forces governments . freedom for seek out truth both online main stream media worldwide not ever be silenced .