Rika, a woman scarred by the remnants of a toxic relationship, arrives on the secluded island of Kairos, searching for peace in its quiet tides and hidden corners. Ukai Keishin, a rugged man who runs a small convenience store on the island's edge, lives a life detached from the world that ebbs and flows around him. Drawn together by unspoken pain, their fleeting connection offers both solace and temptation. But on an island where everyone comes to escape, Rika must confront the truth-healing requires more than finding comfort in another. As the winds of Kairos sweep through their lives, both must face the impermanence of their bond and the deeper journey that lies within.
A one-shot story of Ukai Keishin and Rika set out together, searching for meaning and a sense of who they truly are in a world where everything slips away like the wind.