Harry found himself on a rocking bed, which struck him as odd because he couldn't recall his hotel room having such a feature.
With a frown, he pried his eyes open, only to quickly shut them again due to the blinding brightness assaulting his vision.
Letting out a groan, he reluctantly came to his senses.
"Rise and shine, sunshine," a voice called out.
Harry's eyes shot open, still struggling to keep them that way. Instead of a hotel room ceiling, he was greeted by an open, cloudless blue sky. The rocking sensation was caused by the water beneath the dinghy they were on.
Oh God, this wasn't a dream-it was all real. It had all actually happened.
"Yeah, no, you didn't dream it, Styles," Louis chimed in, capturing Harry's attention. "Last night was real. We're stranded in the middle of nowhere."
**Or a Larry fic inspired by the Blue Lagoon: The Awakening movie (2012)**