Little stories I came up with by looking at places in modded Minecraft, drafted from pure imagination. They are small, written in Minecraft books and then published here but I hope you enjoy it.
This is as a little exercise for myself just to spark more interest in writing, and going with any vibes I feel when I do so. I got a decent amount of horror vibes throughout and haven't done it before so feel free to leave any tips you have for writing it better or what you liked/disliked about it.
A lot of these monsters are not part of the horror mods I use and are simply figments of my imagination without much planning. Oneshots are a thing I've never tried before, but seem to be getting the hang of.
Also written in first person, which I am inexperienced with at the moment.
-Mentions of blood and gore
-Very slight description of a cult
-Monsters in somewhat vague detail
-Death in various manners
-Can be creepy at times
-Gender neutral telling [is this even a warning?]
-Slight religion [just for the added effect]