In the Grand Line, where adventures and misadventures abound, Sanji finds himself in a series of comical yet charming predicaments that test his patience, his disguise skills, and his ability to keep a straight face. Through a mix-up at a costume shop, Sanji becomes the unwitting center of attention, his allure magnified by a collection of striking and whimsical outfits. Each chapter follows Sanji as he dons a new, elaborate costume, designed for various extravagant parties, contests, and festivals the Straw Hat Pirates encounter on their journey. From celestial envoys and punk rock singers to enchanted maidens and fairy-tale princes, Sanji navigates admirers, quests, and misadventures, all while contributing to the Straw Hats' larger goals. Will Sanji manage to maintain his cover and help his crew, or will his "charming" new persona lead to unforeseen chaos? Join Sanji and the Straw Hats as they sail through the Grand Line, where fashion makes as big a splash as any Devil Fruit power.
18 parts