The city of Lost Angels. Once the home to millions of people on the American West Coast. Now reduced to barren battlefield and cemetary as the armies of Europa, Euruska and Eurasia fight an endless war. The nukes have long since been dropped. The politicians and generals who started it gone with the opening strikes leaving armies to blindly march towards the sole goal of victory at any cost. Some try to carve their own place into this harsh world to try and survive. Civilians trying to make it by, clinging to any traces of the more normal, peaceful life they once had. Scavs try to scavange old remnants of battles for gear to sell or to use themselves to increase their chanses of survival. And lastly rogue AI, unshackled from their overlords through various means, trying to survive, trying to keep their batteries charged and frames from falling apart. This is the story of one of those AI. The story of a once medical engineer unit now turned war machine, searching for spare parts and means to defend itself as it tries to keep its battery from going out while all the while trying to avoid bigger fish in the war that could end it in a moment. It is a seemingly endless struggle without a light at the end of the tunnel but will that change when the muddy, broken landscape of the corpse of a city turns to a forest of trees and shining living cities? TOR-4C-402-37 "Toothy" may be confused, but they will survive. They will adapt and maybe, they can for once live.All Rights Reserved