57 parts Ongoing Cupid, a celestial being tasked with spreading love among mortals, receives an unexpected opportunity to fulfill his long-pending assignment: to make Avinash (Avi) Rajendran, a wealthy and emotionally guarded young man, fall in love. With the help of divine intervention, Cupid assumes the guise of a human and descends to Earth, embarking on a mission to thaw Avi's icy heart and awaken his capacity for love.
Meanwhile, Avi navigates the complexities of his privileged yet tumultuous life, haunted by the tragic loss of his mother and harboring deep-seated resentment towards love and emotional vulnerability. Enter Ananya, a cheerful and optimistic young woman whose unwavering kindness and infectious smile captivate Avi's attention.
As Cupid and Ananya's paths converge with Avi's, they find themselves drawn into a whirlwind of emotions and desires, each grappling with their own inner demons and insecurities. Amidst the backdrop of familial discord and societal expectations, they embark on a journey of self-discovery, learning to trust in the transformative power of love and forgiveness.
Will Cupid/Shakthi succeed in his mission to make Avi fall in love? And will Avi and Ananya overcome their past traumas and societal barriers to embrace a future filled with hope and happiness?